Shipping and Delivery

At Marketkep, we offer digital marketing services that are delivered electronically, and therefore do not involve physical shipping or delivery of products. This Shipping and Delivery Policy outlines the process by which our services are provided to our clients.

1. Service Delivery

a. Electronic Delivery: Our digital marketing services are delivered electronically via online platforms, email communication, and digital tools.

b. Service Activation: Upon completion of the onboarding process and receipt of payment (if applicable), we will activate your service and begin delivering the agreed-upon services.

c. Timelines: The delivery timelines for our services will be communicated to you during the initial consultation and outlined in your service agreement or contract.

2. Communication

a. Project Updates: Throughout the duration of our engagement, we will provide regular updates on the progress of your digital marketing campaigns and initiatives.

b. Feedback: We welcome your feedback and collaboration during the delivery of our services to ensure that we meet your expectations and objectives.

3. Client Responsibilities

a. Timely Response: To facilitate the timely delivery of our services, we require prompt responses to requests for information, feedback, and approvals from your end.

b. Access: You are responsible for providing access to relevant accounts, platforms, and resources necessary for the execution of our digital marketing strategies.

4. Technical Support

a. Assistance: We offer technical support to address any issues or concerns related to the implementation or functionality of our digital marketing tools and platforms.

b. Contact: If you encounter any technical difficulties or require assistance, please contact our customer support team at [insert contact information].

5. Changes and Revisions

a. Modification Requests: If you wish to make changes or revisions to your digital marketing campaigns or strategies, please notify us as soon as possible.

b. Revision Process: We will work with you to assess the impact of the requested changes and provide recommendations for adjustments to the project scope, timelines, and costs if necessary.

6. Satisfaction Guarantee

a. Commitment: We are committed to delivering high-quality digital marketing services that meet or exceed your expectations.

b. Feedback and Adjustments: If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our services, please provide feedback so that we can address your concerns and make necessary adjustments.

7. Contact Us

If you have any questions, concerns, or require assistance with the delivery of our digital marketing services, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team at


Marketkep is dedicated to delivering effective and efficient digital marketing services to help you achieve your business goals. Our Shipping and Delivery Policy ensures clarity and transparency in the delivery process. If you have any further inquiries or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.